Preggo Week 25 Recap
(November 5-11, 2016)
Having had some weeks with hardly any runs, I wanted to remedy that and get back into a good running groove. I also wanted to be sure I got a couple long runs in for CIM training. This week ended up being a big week of running. I also got back to doing strength exercises more regularly (mostly planks, squats and push-ups) as well as getting back to doing yoga.
Sweeping RDL
On Saturday, I swept the first 19ish miles of Rio Del Lago 100 Miler. It was nice getting some long miles in and being part of the race still. It was weird to think how it was a year ago, I ran the race (and became known for having nursed my 5 month old baby during the race).
The run was pretty good though it ended up being a bit slow because we had to stop to pull down the ribbons (marking the course). Whoever marked the course did a really good job as there was SO MANY ribbons that we had to pull. I had a fun time running with my friend Kirk.

After sweeping, I tracked my many other friends running the race. And on Sunday morning, I went to the finish line to see many friends finish. Seeing some friends come through made me teary eyed. I love being at Rio del Lago. Even though I wasn't running it this year, it's just fun being around that energy at 100 mile races. I brought Ellie with me to the finish and she had fun cheering on runners too. I am planning to run Rio del Lago again next year. I'll need to run another Western States qualifier next year and it'll need to be later in the year since baby is due to arrive in February. ;-)

Western States Lottery
The Western States lottery opened up this past week. Of course, I entered the lottery again. It'll my fifth time in the lottery though I'll only be a two ticket holder this year. For those that don't know, I didn't get picked my first two lotteries but unfortunately, I got picked the third lottery when I was pregnant with a baby due in June (the same month as Western States) so could not run the race (and they do not allow deferments). I also lost all my increasing entries so had to start back at square one in getting back in. After having my baby, I continued in my pursuit in getting into Western States and ran a RDL last year to get another qualifier in for my fourth lottery. I didn't get picked. This year, I ran Canyons 100k for my qualifier so I'll be entering in my fifth lottery.
If I get picked, the race will be about 4 months postpartum. I have completed a 100 miler at 5 months postpartum so I know I can start the race and we'll see if I can finish it. It'll be tough to train for it for obvious reasons but that's not going to stop me. This has been a 5+ year dream to run this race. I also have a feeling that because I'm pregnant again, I'll get picked because the lottery gods apparently don't want to let me in on a year that I can properly train for the race. :P
Now, if I don't get picked, I won't be too disappointed as it'll happen when it happens. I already have my plans to run RDL 2017 to get my qualifier for the next lottery. :)
Treadmill Runs Watching The Crown
On Sunday and Tuesday, I ran on the treadmill while watching a new Netflix show "The Crown." This is definitely a binge worthy show and helped make the treadmill runs go by easily. I am restraining from watching the show unless I'm running on the treadmill. A little extra motivation to get my runs in. ;-)

In addition to those runs on the treadmill, I did get a few other runs or evening outings with the dog. It was a good week of getting back into my running routine!
Hilly Hike
On Monday, I took a sick day from work feeling a mild cold coming on. After spending the morning cooped up in the house, I knew I needed to get some fresh air so I went out for an easy run/hike. I ran down from Stagecoach and met my friend Johanna. We then hiked up a big climb to the top of Foresthill Bridge (so steep!), crossed the bridge and hiked back down. Then, I hiked back up Stagecoach to my car. It was 7 miles and a ton of climbing!
But, it felt great being out on the trails and I am so grateful that these amazing Auburn trails are in my backyard.

Friday Long Run
Today was Veterans' Day (thank you Veterans). I had the day off work so I went and got my long run done today. I ran nearly two loops around Lake Natoma. My legs took a few miles to warm up. I am starting to feel shin splints when I start some of my runs. Luckily, after a few miles, that went away.
I started running 4/1 run/walk intervals until my legs warmed up. I later would run a mile then walk a minute. Those little walk breaks were helpful.
Overall, I felt pretty good on my run. And what a beautiful day it was in Folsom! My legs and hips felt pretty good. I kept a pretty steady pace throughout the run so was happy with that. The only issue I had was chaffing (and good grief, horrible chaffing). The back of my arms apparently were rubbing on my pack, my heart rate monitor started rubbing a bit since my preggo belly makes it not sit flat anymore, and my support belt rubbed a bit on my back. Learned that I'll need to make sure I put on lube during the race.
I am feeling pretty good about CIM coming up in about three weeks. This is my last really big run before the race. I think I'll be able to get a pregnant marathon PR!

So I'm happy with my training this week! It also felt good to get back into my running and workout routine. I need to try to not stress too much about work and focus on more positive in my life! :)
As for the pregnancy, I'm feeling pretty good overall. I was lucky my cold was fairly mild and getting out for evening walks with the dog was helpful. The baby has been wiggling and kicking more so that's nice.
Ellie has been yelling "baby!" and patting my preggo belly which I love! She's going to be a great big sister! Also, earlier this week, I caught her trying on my running shoes. I think I have a future runner here as well. <3 <3 <3
As for the pregnancy, I'm feeling pretty good overall. I was lucky my cold was fairly mild and getting out for evening walks with the dog was helpful. The baby has been wiggling and kicking more so that's nice.
Ellie has been yelling "baby!" and patting my preggo belly which I love! She's going to be a great big sister! Also, earlier this week, I caught her trying on my running shoes. I think I have a future runner here as well. <3 <3 <3

Total miles for week 25: 75.89 miles
Total miles for this pregnancy: 572.14 miles!
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