Preggo Week 24 Recap
(October 29 - November 4, 2016)
This past week was not so good running-wise. I only got one run in for 5.4 miles.
However, it was a good week because we were busy with various social engagements. Also, it was Halloween, which is so much more fun now that I have a kid. It was Ellie's first time experiencing trick or treating. She also just learned to say "thank you!" (in a cute little squeaky voice) so when she got treats handed to her, she'd be all excited and say "thank you!"

I also got to hang out with some of my MRTT running mom friends. Went to a fun breakfast at one of the ladies' home on Saturday and saw some for a little Halloween get together before we took our kids trick or treating. I need to try to spend more time with my running mom friends as it just peps me up being around them, even if I'm not able to run with them.
For my one run, I did my monthly Maffetone test on the 1st.
I did a warm up for one mile and then 4 miles keeping my heart rate at or under 144. Here are my results:
warm up: 14:27
1 - 11:57
2 - 12:37
3 - 12:39
4 - 13:06
cool down
So, I ran slower than last month. I think having not run too much the past few weeks has affected my fitness a bit. I also think the added pregnancy weight is starting to slow me down as well. It'll be interesting to see my results through the rest of this pregnancy.

I wasn't able to run more the rest of the week because I started a trial at work. So, I worked some really longs days on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, having no time to run. Trials are utterly exhausting, especially being pregnant. It just wears me out physically and mentally.
Before my trial, I had my 24 week prenatal appointment. Baby #2 is doing well and I'm doing okay (have some mild issues due to the stress/anxiety from work but nothing of major concern). My blood pressure is still nice and low. I really pay attention to it as my pregnancy progresses since I got preeclampsia at the end of my last pregnancy and had to be induced.
Before my trial, I had my 24 week prenatal appointment. Baby #2 is doing well and I'm doing okay (have some mild issues due to the stress/anxiety from work but nothing of major concern). My blood pressure is still nice and low. I really pay attention to it as my pregnancy progresses since I got preeclampsia at the end of my last pregnancy and had to be induced.
I noticed I up to 25-ish pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not one that's worries about my weight. I was curious as to how much I've gained as I have been starting to feel my pregnancy weight on walks and runs. Last pregnancy, I definitely could feel extra strain in my calves during my runs. I've been trying to do a little extra strength exercises so I strengthen my legs to deal with the added weight. I definitely can sympathize how heavier people have a harder time running!
I also think the added weight may have widened my feet as my feet cannot stand to be in my non-Altra running shoes. The sides hurt on the side of the shoes. Thank goodness Altra shoes are designed for wide feet! In Altras, my feet feel fine in them. I also recently bought some new Altra Intuition shoes. They are road shoes. I also like they are black so I can wear them to work (when I don't have to be in court).

Total miles for week 24: 5.4 miles
Total miles for this pregnancy: 496.25 miles (ahhhh so close to getting to 500 miles!)
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