Preggo Week 33 Recap
(December 31, 2016 - January 6, 2017)
So, I haven't written anything the past few weeks as I stopped running for a few weeks following CIM. I recovered pretty quickly after the marathon but things got busy with the holidays and work. And since my main running goal for the year was over with, running kind of went on the back burner for a bit.
As the New Year came, I felt motivated to start running again. I got a couple road runs in and a few runs on the treadmill, when it was too cold and wet outside. It was nice getting back into running. Though, I am definitely feeling more pregnant -- bigger and slower.

I've also been feeling a lot of FOMO (fear of missing out) as many friends are kicking back up their training for their races in this new year. This is prime training/running season for events such as Way Too Cool, Salmon Falls, Fourmidable, Canyons, Western States, and other fun events. I love running the trails this time of year but this season, I have to sit on the sidelines and that's been hard for mentally/emotionally. I feel SO left out. I feel like I'm missing out on the fun.
Also, around 33 weeks during my last pregnancy, I fell on the Stagecoach trail during a run. Both Ellie and I were fine after the fall but I ended up having to spend 24 hours in the hospital being monitored and I was bruised badly all over. While I'm tempted to go join some friends out on the trails, I also don't want to deal with another fall so being good and avoiding running on the trails (For now). But, seeing all the pictures of my many friends having fun trail adventures has been hard.
I did get in a couple hikes on the trail so I could still get a little trail time. It's not quite the same as running the trails but it's better than nothing I suppose. I did recently get a new kid hiking carrier and took Ellie on a short hike from No Hands Bridge. She loved riding in the carrier and enjoyed being out on the trails so I look forward to taking her out on more outside adventures. Sharing the trails with her is pretty special. :)

I also recently registered for Rio Del Lago (RDL) 100 miler in November. It is nice to have something officially on the calendar to look forward too. It'll be another challenging post-baby journey to a 100 mile finish line but at least, I'll have about 9 months to train unlike the 5 months postpartum like I had at my last RDL.

Total Miles for Preggo Week 33: 33.79 miles
Total Miles for This Pregnancy: 656.03 miles
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